Round About Town published by Uniformbooks, March 2018
“The funniest book I read this year was the one-man mass-observation of Round About Town by Kevin Boniface, a Yorkshire postman with a poet’s eye.”
Jeremy Noel-Tod, ‘Books of the Year 2018’ The Times Literary Supplement
Jeremy Noel-Tod, ‘Books of the Year 2018’ The Times Literary Supplement
"Verdict: Depressing or funny? Both, as it should be. The privation a long swell, a bass line that sets the mood, the key. Without this, we would be in sit-com territory. With it, the humour is richer, more poignant, working to some purpose. The complex mingling of ups and downs, of the profound and the superficial, of care and carelessness, are testament to honesty. England, for better or for worse." John Bevis, A View from the Iron Bridge