Sports and Social, Bluemoose Books.

Inspired by the great Georges Perec, I continue my futile attempt to pin down and record a constantly changing world. BBC Radio 3, 9.30pm, Sunday, Feb 13th 2022.

Caught by the River film and text

Caught by the River Calder

Caught by the River Social Club: Huddersfield

Caught by the River Social Club: Farsley

Round About Town, Uniformbooks 2018

The Most Difficult Thing Ever. Film and live soundtrack. Featuring Beeves and ML-B. 4th World Congress of Psychogeography, University of Huddersfield, 2017. Photo: Tim Chapman

Blog North Awards, The Deaf Institute, Manchester. 2012 Photo: Roshana Rubin-Mayhew www.roshanarubinmayhew.com

The Most Difficult Thing Ever, Cow Lane Studios, Salford. 2012. Photo: Jared Szpakowski www.jaredszpakowski.co.uk

North, Temporary Art Space, Piece Hall, Halifax. With Shaw & Shaw. April 2009. Photo: Alice Bradshaw www.alicebradshaw.co.uk

Lost in the Post, Old Street Publishing, 2008

TEMPORARY ART SHOW, Bates’ Mill, Huddersfield. May 2008

Compact News. Zine. 2007-09

Compact News. Zine. 2007-2009

You Are Here. Zine. 2003

Where Are You? 2003, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester. With Jo Shaw

Postman's Diary books 2003-2004

Postman's Diary books 2003-2004

Postman's Diary books 2003-2004

Postman's Diary books 2003-2004

Postman's Diary books 2003-2004

Postman's Diary books 2003-2004

Postman's Diary books 2003-2004

Postman's Diary books 2003-2004

White Dog Biz. Zine. With Jo Shaw 2000

Laundry clothing 1995-1999. With Georgia Boniface

Laundry clothing 1995-1999. With Georgia Boniface

Laundry clothing 1995-1999. With Georgia Boniface

Laundry clothing 1995-1999. With Georgia Boniface

Everyman, Liverpool, 1994. With Sarah Johnson-Newell